Wednesday 25 April 2007

Italy: Amalfi Coast

We made the most of the recent long weekend and got out of London for a bit. We stayed in Naples the first night, but quickly moved on, crazy Italian drivers spurring me on! :-) to Sorrento.

From Sorrento we could explore Pompeii (Vesuvius was closed because of the weather on the day much to the relief of some not so eager for the hike up the mountain!) and the Isle of Capri.

A must see stop on the round trip of Capri is the Grotta Azzurra (Blue Grotto). The water and light is just amazing! And our Italian oarsman serrenading the girls didn't go a stray either (they don't all look so grumpy)!

We then moved on to Positano for the remainder of our stay and it's true what the guide books say - it is the most photographed of the villages and picture postcard perfect. Oh and yes, where other towns have streets Positano has stairs! And lots of them! No kidding..

From Positano we also explored Amalfi and the mountain villages of Ravello and Montepertuso - this stretch of the coast has the most amazing views of the Med.

The food is fanastic (best pizza ever in Ravello!) and each little village has something special and unique to offer.

Plenty cereamics and Lemoncello too..

View of Positano coming down the mountain from Monteperuso

Positano at night

I loved the trip! A big thanks to my Piggie-Back Piggie-Back, Chop-Suey and Moana-Lisa for the excellent company! Next adventure coming soon..

Monday 23 April 2007

Wedding: Paul & Lorraine, Finchingfield

Ah! Don't know what I did yesterday, but it seems I accidentially deleted the post with more of my favourites from Paul and Lorraine's wedding in Finchingfield! So here goes, Take II..

For a change we photographed the groom and ushers instead before the ceremony and I enjoyed capturing the action and fun as the boys walked up from the pub to the Parish Church of St. John the Baptist.

The reception was at the beautiful Spains Hall.

Best man and brother embarrasing the groom during his speech

Everyone loved the flower arrangements on these tables

For the cutting of Lorraine and Paul's wedding cake, I not only wanted the traditional shot, but also a little something extra
There's so many lovely images of the guest having fun - some really spontaneous ones, but this one still makes me smile every time I see it!

So that's made it 3 couples from the same crowd of friends whose wedding photos I've done in the last year. They always have so much fun! Next is Davina & Peter in June - I'm really looking forward to it!

Thank You's

Videographer for the day was the award winning Iain Wagstaff of
In-Video, who I really enjoyed working with. A true gentlemen! Hope to work with you at another wedding again some time in the near fure Iain.

Flora was in charge at
Spains Hall on the day. She looked after us so well, thank so much Flora. You're the best!
A big thank you to Casey for assisting me and her great shots of the guests relaxing and enjoying themselves.

And of course, to Paul and Lorraine a big thank you for sharing your day and Congratulations!

Wedding: Michael & Jane

{*update* please see their Brent Registry Office wedding photography post here}

Finally, a chance to share with you a couple of my favourites from Jane and Michael's recent wedding at Brent Registry Office
When I met Jane for our initial meeting, she asked especially if we could do a photograph like the one below for them

Hope you're pleased with the result Jane! :-)

Michael and Jane, I hope you had a very special evening celebrating your wedding with your family and friends! I'm looking forward to hearing which are your favourites now..